The rapid rise of the power in the home

The loss of erectile function is the main problem of men in the age, we often experience stress, as well as with the sedentary life. Advertising feeds us the promise of a tablet medication can raise the power, yes, it is, but can you recover the sexual energy without any type of chemical and tablets? Clearly, yes! About this and we'll talk about later.

Why the man gains sexual impotence?

And really, why are some men even in mature age they are sexually active, and other problems arise already in the 30 and the 35 years?

All in all, the problems of this nature are divided into 2 rating:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Psychological.

The psychological problems can be several factors. For example, man has the constant depression, it is possible that the problem in the partner.

A stressful situation men

In reality, here can be a number of problems related to the individual characteristics of the person.

In this case, it is important for the support of women, that is sure to make you an effective treatment.

Physiological point of view, of the options, you can also be the mass. The lack of circulation of the blood before the problems with the cardiovascular system.

Today the most common problem is the lack of hormones, in this situation, the man receives the excess weight, it is possible to, depression, in addition to decreases the erection.

In any of these cases, it is best to consult a specialist, otherwise the problem may take longer than normal.

However, if any wish to visit the doctor does not have, you have to troubleshoot the problem yourself at home.

How to recover sexual power? Changing the style of life!

Yes, perhaps it will seem to change your style of life is very difficult, and I don't want to, but even so, if you want to save your marriage, if you want to maintain your health, to maintain your male power, in the end, then you will have to rethink their way of life.


Of course, they eat fast food food, constantly using beer, fill your body of harmful fats, which then have an influence on their genre of the situation.

Check your diet, you should reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates, increase the intake of good fats and proteins, that is to say, to stop eating meat, fish, cheese, eggs, fish liver oils.

A strong man with a woman happy

This will help to restore erectile function.


A long dream, the rejection of bad habits, under constant surveillance by their weight, walk, go for a run around this will improve your health and your sex life.


It is also very important to the health and to resolve the aforementioned issue.

Many men can advise you on the gym today but it is not so expensive, it doesn't take much time, and the use of much.

For example, abdominal crunches will improve the circulation of the blood in the pelvic area, to improve the power, there are a number of exercises that you can do in the gym or fitness center.

Can I use the pills and other medicines?

To return to a normal sex life, it is necessary to regulate the sexual relations. And how to do it, if the power level of small?

With this goal you can use pills, but continuing their use is contraindicated, for example, some medications may take 30 days, then make a pause.

Try to try to have sex without the use of pills, are needed only in the early stages, and then try to pass without them.

What are the recovery options of the power in the home?

The tablet of tablets, and the rise of the power has not been canceled, how can you quickly increase in your home?

There are several options:

  1. Tubs;
  2. Exercises;
  3. The folk medicine;
  4. Prostate massage.

The coating of bath tub and contrast shower is a great relaxant and a "cure", which, as has been proved by scientists, is well affects the sexual power.

Contrast shower for the power

Constantly change the warm water with the cold. You can take a bath with a bay leaf – this will help you to strengthen the sexual power.

By the way, in this case it is advisable to consider the steam bath is a popular way, is so strong that it is able to increase the power that other methods are not needed at all.

Many of the sailors constantly before you go or when you enter a new port going to the toilet and hours of sitting in the steam room is the well helped to keep their sexual energy under conditions of long walks and the absence of sexual life.

Today, the men visit the bathroom is extremely rare, and in vain, pulls out perfectly all the waste products from the body, improves the circulation of blood, went into the steam room, warm and you feel good.

However, to get involved in the Turkish, also, that it is not worth, because it is a blow to the heart, two, three times a week is enough.


Perhaps, the most effective way of raising to the power. Take a look at the most popular of the exercises, so that you don't need a gym, you can practice at home.

  • Running in place. Ideally, you will need a treadmill, but you can pass without it, simply change alternatively the feet in place. 5 minutes is the minimum for this exercise.
  • In the pelvic area. Hit the floor, alternately raise and swallows the pelvis, the number of repetitions should be no more than 20.
  • Great step. Drop to the ground, a grinding hand rests on the floor, then put the legs in cross, and do alternative steps. For more advanced you can do rifts with legs crossed.


Many quite sceptical configured to this point, and in vain. For example, every day, in the period of 30 days, the consumption of drops of ginseng will be returned to you in the last level of power.

Take the tincture of calculating how many days, so many drops. In 1 day – a drop, on the 10th day – 10 drops. What is most important to make a pause – you can not drink tincture of more than a month, it is very harmful for the body.


As is known, the testes produce the level of the male hormone, testosterone, which is the one that gives the man such sexual symptoms, such as the beard, muscles and a good erection.

Regular massage of the testicles is the 100% of the tool of the low libido.

Take a hot shower, then proceed to the massage: with one hand, pull the scrotum, the other slightly apply pressure in the testicles, circular, progressive movements.

The result is feel quickly, and after a couple of weeks will hold the result of your work.

Is there any way to rapidly improve the power?

Of course, who wants to spend weeks, months, years, to return to a normal sex life?

Many people want to increase their power for a record time, for example, for a day or for several days.

If you have, for example, today, the appointment, and to take some pills and run for pharmacies not what you want, you can try a range of recipes.


Nuts, sour cream, vegetables, fish and seafood (the best calamari or Rapana). Dessert of honey (again with nuts). With this is necessary, for the present, ground coffee.

Especially help hard cooked, eggs. This diet is guaranteed to contribute to a positive effect.

  1. THE ROOTS OF CALAMUS. Consume 3 times per day. 20-30 grams of rhizomes of the chorus cut, pour the boiling water, place in the night and a little to drink, preferably minutes for 30 before meals. For 1 day in just 1 cup of this broth.
  2. The root of calamus
  3. THE ROOTS OF CALAMUS USED. For example, the 20 grams of root is necessary to use and pour 200 ml of alcohol or vodka. Two weeks to endure the tincture in a dark place, once every three to four days, shaking it. Then, the dye filter. Taken over the course of 25 days, three times a day half an hour before the meal, adding 30 drops of tincture 100 – 150 milliliters of boiled, but the water is cold.
  4. STEAM AND EXPERIENCE SHOWERS. Before you leave, take contrast showers, in the ideal – Turkish. This will improve the blood flow and, as a result, the sexual potency.

Of course, this way of returning the power to the long-term result unlikely, in this sense, it is necessary to the permanent massage and exercises.

However, as practice shows, a lot of men, the power comes to an active state already within a few days of these procedures, which could be defined as a quick way to hang to power.

If that doesn't work, then you should:

  • Consult a competent doctor, a urologist or andrologist;
  • Begin practicing the exercises and standing of a massage.


Now you already know that there is for quickly raising the sexual power.

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor and get tested, but it and similar practices, it is possible to correct the problem.

Important conclusions:

  • carry an active lifestyle;
  • prepare yourself mentally and psychologically ready companion;
  • eat only healthy products;
  • regularly the steam bath or at least take contrast showers;
  • what is more important – regularity: a regular program of exercise, massage, physical exercise, diet.

All of this will return your male power and definitely will improve your health and life expectancy.